
  • randy sawyer - lead pastor

    Randy is the lead and primary teaching pastor at Calvary Church. 

    Randy has an unmistakable love for God and for people and gave his life to Christ at the age of 11. 

    He joined the staff at Calvary in October, 1994 as the Associate Pastor and would later become the Youth Pastor.  Randy has been the  Lead Pastor since 2013. 

    His passion is to see people walk in the abundant life Christ promised. He is believing God for big and unusual things, and expecting to reveal Jesus to some of the most unlikely people.

    Randy and his wife, Paula, have five children: Ryan (Hannah), Jessica, Justin (Jennifer), and John & Nathaniel Norwood.

    Passage of Promise: "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." - John 10:10


  • Justin Sawyer - Student Pastor

    Hey my name is Justin Sawyer. My wife, Jennifer, our son Deacon, and our daughter Blakely are so privileged to serve at Calvary.

    I am pumped to be the Student Pastor here at Calvary. I grew up being a part of the student ministry, and I have a great desire to see our students have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ that leads them to love God, learn purpose, live different, and lead the way for others in every area of life: Home, School, Work, Play, Etc. 

    I am not perfect, but serve God who is and who is making me like Him every day. One of my biggest struggles is fear, but the evidence of the Spirit in my life is Him reminding me of His love that casts out all fear each day! (1 John 4:18). I tell you this because we all need Jesus because we are broken, but the beautiful thing is when we believe in Jesus, He takes what is broken and makes it beautiful. I believe Jesus wants to make new all people, and I am excited to join with parents and helping students understand this for themselves and live out their faith. Come and see!

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